If this documentation doesn't help you, just ask your question!
If you downloaded the installer, just execute it and follow the instructions. To run Quivi, open it in the Start > Programs menu.
If you downloaded the zip file, unzip it to a location of your choice. To run Quivi, execute the file Quivi.exe inside the unzipped folder.
It's not possible to install for the current user on Windows Vista using the installer. Please use the zip file instead. This is only an issue if you don't have administrator credentials to install for all users (you usually do).
To open an image, select it in the file list.
To navigate through the folders, double click a folder to open it, or double click the ".." folder (the first in the list) in order to open the parent folder. Alternatively, you can click on the folder icon to select a folder to open.
With an image opened, you can drag it with the mouse to view it.
You can also right click it to hide the file list, right click again to show it back.
Right click the image list to show a popup with the favorites directories.
To add a directory to the favorites, open it and click on the respective icon in the file list toolbar.
Press home and end to move the file list selection up and down. If you select an image, it will open.
Press insert to open a selected folder and delete to open the parent folder.
Press Ctrl+Page Up/Down to open the previous/next sibling folder (e.g., assuming these directories exists: C:\something\folder1, C:\something\folder2, C:\something\folder3; if you are inside the folder2 directory and press Ctrl+Page Down, it will open the folder3 directory).
Press the arrows to move the image. Press Page Up/Down to move the image up/down one screen at a time.
You can customize the keys bindings in the options dialog (File > Options)
You can open the options dialog on File > Options.
Viewing Tab
Fit: How the image is adjusted to screen when loaded.
Width: the width for the "Custom Width" fit option.
Start directory: the directory opened when Quivi is opened.
Background color: the background color of the application
Portable mode: when checked, the settings are saved in the program folder. This allows pen drive / usb stick usage, since the settings will be saved in your drive instead of the pc you're using.
Keys Tab
Select a command on the list. Its shortcuts will appear in the "Shortcuts for selected command" combo box. You can remove one by selecting it and clicking "Remove".
To add a new shortcut for the selected command, press it on the "New shortcut" text box then click "Assign".
Mouse Tab
Select the commands for each mouse button.
Language Tab
Select the interface language.
Wallpaper dialog
On File > Set as wallpaper you can set the opened image as a wallpaper.
In "Position" you can selecte some predefined options:
Actual size: the actual size of the image. You may still move it to select where it will appear.
Tiled: will tile the image. You may still adjust the zoom and the position after selecting this.
Stretch to fit screen, crop excess: will stretch the image in order to fill the entire screen. If the image width/height ratio is different from the monitor, them some cropping will occur. You may still move the image to select which part the image will appear.
Stretch to fit screen, show entire image: will stretch the image in order to fill the screen but will show the entire image. If the image width/height ratio is different from the monitor, then "borders" will be added around the image. You may still move the image to select where the image will appear.
You can change the background color and the zoom (with "+" and "-" buttons).