If you wish to help and translate Quivi to your language, please follow these steps:
- Locate the file "default.pot" inside the "localization" folder where Quivi was installed.
- Translate the pot file. There are many available tools to do this, the most common one is Poedit, a "cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor". Open Poedit, go to "File > New catalog from POT file..." and select the "default.pot" file. Fill the project name ("Quivi"), the language and the country, press OK and save your po file as specified below.
- Name the po file as the language code you are translating to (e.g., "es_ES.po").
- Translate away!
- To test your translation, copy the mo file (which Poedit automatically generates for you whenever you save your po file) to the "localization" folder where Quivi was installed, then change the language within Quivi.
- When you're done, mail me the po file at "conradoplg (a) gmail com". If you'd like to be given credit, please tell me name or handle, which country are you from, (optional) a link to your site.
- To update your translation, go to "Catalog > Update from pot file"
Thank you for helping! If you have any questions, just ask.